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Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



For 200+ years, The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette has been a trusted source for award-winning news and opinions. We're a fourth-generation family-run business passionate about the importance of local journalism and providing statewide coverage.

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette is more than just the news; we apply the same passion to our product solutions. We believe in providing our clients with multi-media solutions to meet their needs and generate results. 

We are more than just a Newspaper

Within the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, we have evolved into a successful multi-media agency, ADG Marketing and Advertising, with unlimited digital marketing and advertising capabilities. With an expansive digital extension product lineup, our expertise in the delivery and fulfillment of products, along with traditional advertising at our fingertips, gives us the leverage needed to deliver customized annual digital campaigns to our clients that produce the best results and growth for their businesses. Including but not limited to website design and creation, audience-targeted digital display ads, Google search ads, YouTube ads, Streaming video ads, and much more! 

Click below to learn how we can help you grow your business! 


ADG Core Product Solutions

ADG core product solutions

Over 119,000+ Readers in the ADG Sunday Print and Digital Replica 

Arkansas' Only Statewide Newspaper

Over 1.4 Million Users per month on

Arkansas' #1 News and Media Website

Sunday Print

Sunday print advertising offers strong brand awareness, credibility, and an engaged, loyal audience. Ensure you are visible and present on the highest read day of the week.

Daily Digital Replica

Our Digital Replica edition is available seven days a week on an iPad or mobile app, with clickable links in ads going directly to your website, creating a more engaging experience with added value to our advertisers.

Arkansas Online

Reach a large monthly viewer base on our owned and operated news and media website. Digital display ads are delivered through run-of-site or by category targeting for a more target audience.

Digital Newsletters & Emails

Our daily newsletters and email blasts reach an opt-in audience. Your branding message can be seen through our daily newsletters or through an exclusive email blast.

Special Sections

Reach a specific audience through one of our special focused sections. Our special sections are delivered either full-state or to a certain area within the state allowing them to be more beneficial in targeting. Contact us for a full list of yearly special sections.


Reinforce your brand by aligning with ADG's loyal audience.

Your branding message can have an unparalleled reach in the Arkansas market. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette's core product solutions give you the ability to reach our loyal audience and to instill additional brand visibility.  Our mission is to first provide accurate and up-to-date journalism to our readers and second to provide authentic quality product solutions for our advertisers.

We strive to be progressive and relative in our core product solutions!  You can view our core products below. Please contact us for rates and customized campaign recommendations. 

We provide digital marketing & advertising solutions that work.

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